Genre: Depressive Black Metal
Lyrical theme(s): Balance between Depression and Joy, Spirituality
Country: Canada (Quebec)
Lyrical theme(s): Balance between Depression and Joy, Spirituality
Country: Canada (Quebec)
Genre: Depressive Black Metal
Lyrical theme(s): Balance between Depression and Joy, Spirituality
Country: Canada (Quebec)
1. Le Neurasthénique - 04:05
2. The Cold Wind of My Breath is Always Blowing - 05:33
3. Lueur d'Ombre - 08:02
4. Where So Many Tombs Were Forgotten - 09:45
5. Elder Moons - 06:07
6. Funérailles - 06:13
7. Aux Serres de la Mélancolie - 10:28
Lyrical theme(s): Balance between Depression and Joy, Spirituality
Country: Canada (Quebec)
1. Le Neurasthénique - 04:05
2. The Cold Wind of My Breath is Always Blowing - 05:33
3. Lueur d'Ombre - 08:02
4. Where So Many Tombs Were Forgotten - 09:45
5. Elder Moons - 06:07
6. Funérailles - 06:13
7. Aux Serres de la Mélancolie - 10:28
(pedido orale ahi esta fanny)